Results for 'Vincenzo M. Rippo'

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  1.  8
    Un classico della spiritualità musulmana.Vincenzo M. Poggi - 1967 - Roma,: Libreria dell'Università Gregoriana.
    Non si prenda questo lavoro come un saggio specializzato di orientalistica. Anche se vi abbiamo messo in opera tutto quanto abbiamo appreso faticosamente di quel dominio. Il primo lavoro e stato tradurre integralmente il testo arabo Mungid basandoci su due edizioni. Siamo convinti che una religione non vada studiata soltanto nei suoi testi sacri, ma va osservata negli individui che la professano tant'e che l'Islam rimane un'astrazione se non si passa a studiare direttamente i Musulmani. Questo libro non e una (...)
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    Un classico della spiritualità musulmana: saggio monografico sul "Munqiḏ" di al-ĠazālīUn classico della spiritualita musulmana: saggio monografico sul "Munqid" di al-Gazali.George F. Hourani & Vincenzo M. Poggi - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1):145.
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    Il soggetto e la sua identità: mente e norma, Medioevo e modernità.Luca Parisoli & Vincenzo M. Corseri (eds.) - 2010 - Palermo: Officina di studi medievali.
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    Auditory Stimulus Timing Influences Perceived duration of Co-Occurring Visual Stimuli.Vincenzo Romei, Benjamin De Haas, Robert M. Mok & Jon Driver - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
  5.  21
    Computing coproducts of finitely presented Gödel algebras.Ottavio M. D’Antona & Vincenzo Marra - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 142 (1):202-211.
    We obtain an algorithm to compute finite coproducts of finitely generated Gödel algebras, i.e. Heyting algebras satisfying the prelinearity axiom =1. We achieve this result using ordered partitions of finite sets as a key tool to investigate the category opposite to finitely generated Gödel algebras . We give two applications of our main result. We prove that finitely presented Gödel algebras have free products with amalgamation; and we easily obtain a recursive formula for the cardinality of the free Gödel algebra (...)
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    Erratum to: Scientific revolutions, specialization and the discovery of the structure of DNA: toward a new picture of the development of the sciences.Vincenzo Politi - 2018 - Synthese 195 (11):5113-5113.
    Both in the bibliography and in the citation in the text, Michelle Gibbons’ article below has been mistakenly attributed to “Gibson.” The proper reference to the article should be: Gibbons, M.. Reassessing discovery: Rosalind Franklin, scientific visualization, and the structure of DNA. _Philosophy of Science, 79_, 63–80.
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  7. Inductive Logic.Vincenzo Crupi - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (6):641-650.
    The current state of inductive logic is puzzling. Survey presentations are recurrently offered and a very rich and extensive handbook was entirely dedicated to the topic just a few years ago [23]. Among the contributions to this very volume, however, one finds forceful arguments to the effect that inductive logic is not needed and that the belief in its existence is itself a misguided illusion , while other distinguished observers have eventually come to see at least the label as “slightly (...)
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    M. Intrieri – S. Ribichini (Hgg.), Fenici e Italici, Cartagine e la Magna Grecia.Salvatore De Vincenzo - 2014 - Klio 96 (1):273-282.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 96 Heft: 1 Seiten: 273-282.
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    Les crises de notre présent et la référence éthique. Appel au dialogue.M. Campagnolo-Bouvier, Arrigo Levi & Vincenzo Cappelletti - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (5/6):159-160.
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    La filosofia politica di Weber.Giulio M. Chiodi, Roberto Gatti & Vincenzo Sorrentino (eds.) - 2021 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    Hearing brighter: Changing in-depth visual perception through looming sounds.Clare A. M. Sutherland, Gregor Thut & Vincenzo Romei - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):312-323.
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  12. Logica formale e religione inTommaso d'Aquino e I. M. Bochenski.Vincenzo Parisi - 2010 - Filosofia Oggi 33 (132):389-407.
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    Teorica del sovrannaturale.Vincenzo Gioberti - 1970 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    Space and Time: A Priori and a Posteriori Studies.Vincenzo Fano, Francesco Orilia & Giovanni Macchia (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This collection focuses on the ontology of space and time. It is centred on the idea that the issues typically encountered in this area must be tackled from a multifarious perspective, paying attention to both a priori and a posteriori considerations. Several experts in this area contribute to this volume: G. Landini discusses how Russell’s conception of time features in his general philosophical perspective;D. Dieks proposes a middle course between substantivalist and relationist accounts of space-time;P. Graziani argues that it is (...)
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    Letters to a Young Therapist: Relational Practices for the Coming Community.Vincenzo Di Nicola - 2011 - New York, USA: Atropos Press.
    In these seven letters, practising psychiatrist Vincenzo Di Nicola offers wisdom to a young therapist from 25 years of experience conducting relational therapy. Ranging from what to read and how to begin therapy, the letters cover therapeutic temperaments and technique, how to create a relational dialogue, the myths of individual psychology and the need for relational psychology, the evolution of therapy in the past century and when therapy is over-all the while looking forward to the relational practices of the (...)
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    Cognitive Deficits and White Matter Alterations in Highly Trained Scuba Divers.Marinella Coco, Andrea Buscemi, Valentina Perciavalle, Tiziana Maci, Gianluca Galvano, Antonio M. F. Scavone, Vincenzo Perciavalle & Donatella Di Corrado - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17. Book review: Carnielli, W., Coniglio, M. paraconsistent logic: Consistency, contradiction and negation. Logic, epistemology, and the unity of science series. [REVIEW]Henrique Antunes & Vincenzo Ciccarelli - 2018 - Manuscrito 41 (2):111-122.
    Review of the book "Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction, and Negation by Water Carnielli and Marcelo Coniglio.
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  18. Gli italiani e Bentham. Dalla "felicità pubblica" all'economia del benessere. Volume 1. Riccardo Faucci (ed.).Riccardo Faucci, Michael Da Freeman, Letizia Gianformaggio, Vincenzo Polignano, Anna Li Doonni, Robertino Giringhelli, Gabriella Gioli, Maurizio Mori, Daniela Parisi Acquaviva, Luciano Avagliano, Anna Camaiti, Marco Bertozzi, Sergio Cremaschi, Gloria Vivenza, Cosimo Perrotta, Lilia Costabile & Roberto Petrini - 1981 - Milano, Italy: Franco Angeli.
    INDICE -/- Note biografiche Introduzione, di Riccardo Faucci -/- Parte I - Da Verri a Toniolo 1. Jeremy Bentham: Contemporary Interpretations, di M.D.A. Freeman 2. Su Helvétius, Beccaria e Bentham, di Letizia Gianformaggio 3. L'etica utilitaristica di Pietro Veti, di Vincenzo Polignano 4. ll liberismo interventista di Vincenzo Emanuele Sergio, di Anna Li Donni 5. Il concetto di " felicità pubblica, nella << Genesi del diritto penale » di Romagnosi, e il rapporto Romagnosi-Bentham, di Robertino Ghiringhelli 6. « (...)
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    Model Credibility.Eulalie Courcelles, Marc Horner, Payman Afshari, Alexander Kulesza, Cristina Curreli, Cristina Vaghi, Enrique Morales-Orcajo, Francesco Pappalardo, Ghislain Maquer, Giulia Russo, Liesbet Geris, Marco Viceconti, Michael Neidlin, Philippe Favre, Raphaëlle Lesage, Steve Kreuzer & Vincenzo Carbone - 2024 - In Marco Viceconti & Luca Emili, Toward Good Simulation Practice: Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 43-66.
    The need for a framework to justify that a model has sufficient credibility to be used as a basis for internal or external (typically regulatory) decision-making is a primary concern when using modelling and simulation (M&S) in healthcare. This chapter reviews published standards on verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) as well as regulatory guidance that can be used to establish model credibility in this context, providing a potential starting point for a globally harmonised model credibility framework.
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    Pier Vincenzo Cova: Lo Stoico imperfetto. Pp. 131. Naples: Società editrice napoletana, 1978. Paper, L. 5.000.M. T. Griffin - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (02):288-289.
  21.  96
    The Erotokritos of Vincenzo Komaros, a Greek Romantic Epic, 1645. By John Mavrogordato, M.A., with an introduction by Stephen Gaselee, M.A., Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. Pp. vii+61. Frontispiece, an illustration from the British Museum MS. Oxford University Press, 1929. 3s. net. [REVIEW]R. M. Dawkins - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (05):206-.
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    Vincenzo De Risi. Leibniz on the Parallel Postulate and the Foundations of Geometry: The Unpublished Manuscripts. vi + 195 pp., figs., bibl., index. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2016. $119. [REVIEW]Douglas M. Jesseph - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):695-696.
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    Vincenzo RUGGIERI, La Caria Bizantina: topografia, archeologia ed arte (Mylasa, Stratonikeia, Bargylia, Myndus, Halicarnassus).Alexander Zäh - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (2):687-691.
    Diese neueste Buchveröffentlichung von Professor Vincenzo RUGGIERI SJ, der am Pontificio Istituto Orientale in Rom byzantinische Archäologie und byzantinische Geschichte lehrt, stellt einige archäologische byzantinische Stätten aus seinem traditionellen Forschungsgebiet in der historischen Kirchenprovinz Karien vor, die im westlichen Kleinasien gelegen war. Hier wartet R. nun zum größten Teil mit von ihm selbst aufgefundenen und erforschten Monumenten auf und das vorgelegte Werk kann als die geographisch nördliche Fortsetzung der im selben Verlag bereits im Jahre 2003 erschienenen stattlichen und sehr (...)
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    Waseda Daigaku Toshokan Shozō Okamatsu Santarō Monjo.Santarō Okamatsu (ed.) - 2008 - Yūshōdō Fuirumu Suppan.
    reel 1-4. A. Okamatsu Yōkoku kankei -- reel 5-8. B. Shokan -- reel 9-28. C. Taiwan kankei -- reel 29-36. D. Minami Manshū Tetsudō kankei -- reel 37-40. E. Saiban kankei -- reel 41-45. F. Daigaku kankei -- reel 46-54. G. Rippoe kankei -- reel 55. H. Dokushō (shoehin katarogu-rui) -- reel 56. I. Takushoku kankei, J. Ōshū kikō kankei (1) -- reel 57. J. Ōshū kikō kankei (2) -- reel 58-72. K. Nōto rui -- reel 73-112. L. Genkō, ronbun (...)
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  25. Vincenzo Gioberti e l'ontologismo.Vincenzo Portale - 1968 - Cosenza,: Pellegrini.
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  26. Il pensiero politico di Vincenzo Gioberti.Vincenzo Gioberti - 1941 - Milano,: Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale. Edited by Vecchietti, Tullio & [From Old Catalog].
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  27. The Evidential Conditional.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (6):2897-2921.
    This paper outlines an account of conditionals, the evidential account, which rests on the idea that a conditional is true just in case its antecedent supports its consequent. As we will show, the evidential account exhibits some distinctive logical features that deserve careful consideration. On the one hand, it departs from the material reading of ‘if then’ exactly in the way we would like it to depart from that reading. On the other, it significantly differs from the non-material accounts which (...)
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    Edizione Nazionale delle opere edite e inedite di Vincenzo Gioberti: Del bello - 1939.Vincenzo Gioberti & Enrico Castelli - 1939 - Bocca.
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  29. Three Ways of Being Non-Material.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2022 - Studia Logica 110:47-93.
    This paper develops a probabilistic analysis of conditionals which hinges on a quantitative measure of evidential support. In order to spell out the interpreta- tion of ‘if’ suggested, we will compare it with two more familiar interpretations, the suppositional interpretation and the strict interpretation, within a formal framework which rests on fairly uncontroversial assumptions. As it will emerge, each of the three interpretations considered exhibits specific logical features that deserve separate consideration.
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  30. Conditionals: Inferentialism Explicated.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2024 - Erkenntnis.
    According to the view of conditionals named 'inferentialism', a conditional holds when its consequent can be inferred from its antecedent. This paper identifies some major challenges that inferentialism has to face, and uses them to assess three accounts of conditionals: one is the classical strict account, the other two have recently been proposed by Douven and Rott. As will be shown, none of the three proposals meets all challenges in a fully satisfactory way. We argue through novel formal results that (...)
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  31. On bayesian measures of evidential support: Theoretical and empirical issues.Vincenzo Crupi, Katya Tentori & and Michel Gonzalez - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (2):229-252.
    Epistemologists and philosophers of science have often attempted to express formally the impact of a piece of evidence on the credibility of a hypothesis. In this paper we will focus on the Bayesian approach to evidential support. We will propose a new formal treatment of the notion of degree of confirmation and we will argue that it overcomes some limitations of the currently available approaches on two grounds: (i) a theoretical analysis of the confirmation relation seen as an extension of (...)
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  32. Outline of a Theory of Reasons.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (1):117-142.
    This paper investigates the logic of reasons. Its aim is to provide an analysis of the sentences of the form ‘p is a reason for q’ that yields a coherent account of their logical properties. The idea that we will develop is that ‘p is a reason for q’ is acceptable just in case a suitably defined relation of incompatibility obtains between p and ¬q. As we will suggest, a theory of reasons based on this idea can solve three challenging (...)
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    Non-Monotonicity and Contraposition.Vincenzo Crupi, Tiziano Dalmonte & Andrea Iacona - forthcoming - Journal of Logic, Language and Information.
    This paper develops a formal theory of non-monotonic consequence which differs from most extant theories in that it assumes Contraposition as a basic principle of defeasible reasoning. We define a minimal logic that combines Contraposition with three uncontroversial inference rules, and we prove some key results that characterize this logic and its possible extensions.
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  34. Vincenzo Filippone-Thaulero e la rivelazione dell'Origine.di Vincenzo Di Marco - 2018 - In Vincenzo Di Marco, Aldo Marroni & Vincenzo Filippone Thaulero, L'arte di fronte all'origine. Verona: Ombre corte.
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  35. Irrelevant conjunction: Statement and solution of a new paradox.Vincenzo Crupi & Katya Tentori - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (1):1-13.
    The so‐called problem of irrelevant conjunction has been seen as a serious challenge for theories of confirmation. It involves the consequences of conjoining irrelevant statements to a hypothesis that is confirmed by some piece of evidence. Following Hawthorne and Fitelson, we reconstruct the problem with reference to Bayesian confirmation theory. Then we extend it to the case of conjoining irrelevant statements to a hypothesis that is dis confirmed by some piece of evidence. As a consequence, we obtain and formally present (...)
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  36. On the Logical Form of Concessive Conditionals.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (3):633-651.
    This paper outlines an account of concessive conditionals that rests on two main ideas. One is that the logical form of a sentence as used in a given context is determined by the content expressed by the sentence in that context. The other is that a coherent distinction can be drawn between a reading of ‘if’ according to which a conditional is true when its consequent holds on the supposition that its antecedent holds, and a stronger reading according to which (...)
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  37. Omaggio a Vincenzo La Via.Vincenzo La Via (ed.) - 1970 - Catania,: Tip. dell'Università.
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  38. Probability, confirmation, and the conjunction fallacy.Vincenzo Crupi, Branden Fitelson & Katya Tentori - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (2):182 – 199.
    The conjunction fallacy has been a key topic in debates on the rationality of human reasoning and its limitations. Despite extensive inquiry, however, the attempt to provide a satisfactory account of the phenomenon has proved challenging. Here we elaborate the suggestion (first discussed by Sides, Osherson, Bonini, & Viale, 2002) that in standard conjunction problems the fallacious probability judgements observed experimentally are typically guided by sound assessments of _confirmation_ relations, meant in terms of contemporary Bayesian confirmation theory. Our main formal (...)
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  39. Generalized Information Theory Meets Human Cognition: Introducing a Unified Framework to Model Uncertainty and Information Search.Vincenzo Crupi, Jonathan D. Nelson, Björn Meder, Gustavo Cevolani & Katya Tentori - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (5):1410-1456.
    Searching for information is critical in many situations. In medicine, for instance, careful choice of a diagnostic test can help narrow down the range of plausible diseases that the patient might have. In a probabilistic framework, test selection is often modeled by assuming that people's goal is to reduce uncertainty about possible states of the world. In cognitive science, psychology, and medical decision making, Shannon entropy is the most prominent and most widely used model to formalize probabilistic uncertainty and the (...)
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    A Second Look at the Logic of Explanatory Power (with Two Novel Representation Theorems).Vincenzo Crupi & Katya Tentori - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (3):365-385.
    We discuss the probabilistic analysis of explanatory power and prove a representation theorem for posterior ratio measures recently advocated by Schupbach and Sprenger. We then prove a representation theorem for an alternative class of measures that rely on the notion of relative probability distance. We end up endorsing the latter, as relative distance measures share the properties of posterior ratio measures that are genuinely appealing, while overcoming a feature that we consider undesirable. They also yield a telling result concerning formal (...)
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    State of the field: Measuring information and confirmation.Vincenzo Crupi & Katya Tentori - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 47 (C):81-90.
  42. Scientific revolutions, specialization and the discovery of the structure of DNA: toward a new picture of the development of the sciences.Politi Vincenzo - 2018 - Synthese 195 (5):2267-2293.
    In his late years, Thomas Kuhn became interested in the process of scientific specialization, which does not seem to possess the destructive element that is characteristic of scientific revolutions. It therefore makes sense to investigate whether and how Kuhn’s insights about specialization are consistent with, and actually fit, his model of scientific progress through revolutions. In this paper, I argue that the transition toward a new specialty corresponds to a revolutionary change for the group of scientists involved in such a (...)
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  43. New Axioms for Probability and Likelihood Ratio Measures.Vincenzo Crupi, Nick Chater & Katya Tentori - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (1):189-204.
    Probability ratio and likelihood ratio measures of inductive support and related notions have appeared as theoretical tools for probabilistic approaches in the philosophy of science, the psychology of reasoning, and artificial intelligence. In an effort of conceptual clarification, several authors have pursued axiomatic foundations for these two families of measures. Such results have been criticized, however, as relying on unduly demanding or poorly motivated mathematical assumptions. We provide two novel theorems showing that probability ratio and likelihood ratio measures can be (...)
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    Confirmation as partial entailment: A representation theorem in inductive logic.Vincenzo Crupi & Katya Tentori - 2013 - Journal of Applied Logic 11 (4):364-372.
  45. Probability, Evidential Support, and the Logic of Conditionals.Vincenzo Crupi & Andrea Iacona - 2021 - Argumenta 6:211-222.
    Once upon a time, some thought that indicative conditionals could be effectively analyzed as material conditionals. Later on, an alternative theoretical construct has prevailed and received wide acceptance, namely, the conditional probability of the consequent given the antecedent. Partly following critical remarks recently ap- peared in the literature, we suggest that evidential support—rather than conditional probability alone—is key to understand indicative conditionals. There have been motivated concerns that a theory of evidential conditionals (unlike their more tra- ditional counterparts) cannot generate (...)
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  46. The Distribution of Ethical Labor in the Scientific Community.Vincenzo Politi & Alexei Grinbaum - 2020 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 7:263-279.
    To believe that every single scientist ought to be individually engaged in ethical thinking in order for science to be responsible at a collective level may be too demanding, if not plainly unrealistic. In fact, ethical labor is typically distributed across different kinds of scientists within the scientific community. Based on the empirical data collected within the Horizon 2020 ‘RRI-Practice’ project, we propose a classification of the members of the scientific community depending on their engagement in this collective activity. Our (...)
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    Taxonomies, Networks, and Lexicons: A Study of Kuhn’s Post-‘Linguistic Turn’ Philosophy.Vincenzo Politi - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (2):87-103.
    In his mature works, Kuhn abandons the concept of a paradigm and becomes more interested in the analysis of the conceptual structure of scientific theories. These changes are interpreted as resulting from a ‘linguistic turn’ that Kuhn underwent sometimes around the 1980s. Much of the philosophical discussions about Kuhn’s post-‘linguistic turn’ philosophy revolves around his views on taxonomic concepts. Apart from taxonomy, however, the mature Kuhn introduces other concepts, such as conceptual networks and lexicons. This article distinguishes these three concepts (...)
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  48. Beyond Structure: New Frontiers of the Philosophy of Thomas Kuhn.Vincenzo Politi & Yafeng Shan - 2023 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):81-86.
    Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) is widely considered as one of the most important philosophers of science of the 20th century, while his The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (SSR) is regarded as one of the most influential works in the philosophy ofscience. At the same time, however, his place within philosophy of science remains ambiguous. On the one hand, despite the popularity of SSR, there is no proper ‘Kuhnian school of thought’ in HPS. On the other hand, the interest towards Kuhn does (...)
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    Who ought to look towards the horizon? A qualitative study on the collective social responsibility of scientific research.Vincenzo Politi - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (2):1-26.
    There is a growing concern for the proper role of science within democratic societies, which has led to the development of new science policies for the implementation of social responsibility in research. Although the very expression ‘social responsibility of science’ may be interpreted in different ways, many of these emerging policy frameworks define it, at least in part, as a form of anticipative reflection about the potential impacts of research in society. What remains a rather under-discussed issue is the definition (...)
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    Critique of pure Bayesian cognitive science: A view from the philosophy of science.Vincenzo Crupi & Fabrizio Calzavarini - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-17.
    Bayesian approaches to human cognition have been extensively advocated in the last decades, but sharp objections have been raised too within cognitive science. In this paper, we outline a diagnosis of what has gone wrong with the prevalent strand of Bayesian cognitive science (here labelled pure Bayesian cognitive science), relying on selected illustrations from the psychology of reasoning and tools from the philosophy of science. Bayesians’ reliance on so-called method of rational analysis is a key point of our discussion. We (...)
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